Thursday, 9 January 2014

The Best Class Setup for the MTAR-X

Picture of the MTAR-X
Aight so as a first off I thought I could do a little review of the MTAR-X. Now this is a gun from the Submachine Gun Class
range, it costs somewhere around 7 squad points which for those who don't know is basically the currency in CoD, 7 S.P isn't that much. Now you can say it is a deadly mix of a SMG and a Assault Rifle, which personally I'd agree with because in my opinion it is one of the better guns in CoD Ghosts. Let's just talk about it's base stats, now what I like about this gun that it's light and fires like a cheetah, with it's 720 RPM (Rounds Per Minute) which is equal to 12 rounds a second which is REALLY fast so it's a gun that is capable of winning many gun fights, it also has a 1.2x damage multiplier around body parts such as the head and chest. If you have Quickdraw as a perk on this bad boy then noobs will be owned.
My Chosen class setup for the MTAR-X
So this is my chosen Class Setup for the MTAR-X. I have chosen the Body Count Camo which you unlock with some Clan Missions or games. Now the attachments I chose were the foregrip and the extended mag, both of these work well with the chosen perks, the foregrip reduces recoil giving extra stability which gets more hitmarkers and more damage overall dealt to the enemy. And the extended mag just increases the capacity of each mag meaning you don't have to reload as much saving you the Sleight Of Hand perk = another perk space. +The foregrip does increase the Accuracy stat as shown by the green bar. The camo looks amazing with the style of it, if you don't have that one I recommend the Christmas Camo which I used for a while unless you have some other try-hard camo.
Onto the perks that I chose, first off at the top I ahve the Marathon perk, for this gun it is simply amazing as it goes along with the quick style of the gun and it enables you to move quicker and run without limits (literally you have non-stop sprinting). Further down I have Scavenger which for every dead person you can pick up some ammo if you stand over/run past a little package dropped by anyone that died recently. My 3rd perk is Fully Loaded which goes along great with the extended mag and Scavenger as you ahve a LOT of ammo, from the start because of fully loaded and you keep on getting more ammo- BASICALLY this is kinda ammo-whoring. Last but not least I used Hardline perk as each killstreak requires 1 less kill for it to be unlocked which I find coolio especially with SAT-COMS or if you're actually good at the game streaks like battle hinds or Maniacs.

Firstly I would just like to #say that TrC stands for The Russian Crew. The Russian Crew is a Clan on the game Call Of Duty which owns noobs on a daily basis, the crew members are : Michal (fitness coach) Miles (lanky dude) Josh (he's smart) and Ellis (he has nose cancer). On this blog you will read a massive variety of reviews on different guns and the best (recommended) class setup for them, such as sights and what perks are useful.